
A little bit about us…

Vertex Golf launched in May 2021 off the back of one simple belief, affordable and cutting-edge golf technology should be made more available to the masses.

Our founders spent over 18 years in the golf industry, and more specifically over a decade in the niche of golf technology and game improvement. In this time, they noticed both the increasing demand for golf tech and also an unattainability for average players due to huge price tags.

Most of the golf technology on the market was either too expensive or didn’t provide substance and relevance to the everyday golfer’s game. A number of current products are designed by high-level experts for high-level experts, alienating the majority of golfers, as well as golf coaches!

And so Vertex Golf was born.

Our mantra has always been: delivering what the user needs at a price the user can afford.

That’s why we work so hard to ensure that our products don’t only provide easy-to-understand, meaningful, and helpful data, but also fall within the budget of your average golfer.

We are a small but passionate team of individuals with expertise in, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Product Design, Software & Firmware Development, and more.

At Vertex Golf, we are constantly asking ourselves, how could this be improved? What tool could help people in this area? How can we help the everyday golfer get better?

After 18 challenging months, we are finally where we want to be, rolling out our first products to golfers all over the world.

When starting the company, we could have gone down a number of different routes, the typically tried-and-tested of raising a few million upfront, spending loads of money on ambassadors, and shipping out expensive products to the elite. We could have halved the development time, all of which would result in much higher prices for the end user, but that isn’t what Vertex Golf is about.

We chose what we believed to be the right route, to deliver this high-end technology at an affordable price to the greater mass golfing population.

But the journey will never be complete for Vertex Golf. As individuals, we want to constantly develop, improve, and enhance the experience of our users – now, tomorrow, and far into the future. As a team, we will achieve those goals.

We have recently rolled out our flagship product, the Vertex Golf SmartCore Sensor, which tracks a wide array of data in your putter head to provide easy-to-understand information on how to improve your putting.

However, we have a number of other amazing ideas in the works, which we will keep you updated on as projects develop. We are constantly evolving, constantly improving, and constantly striving to be the best that we can be.

Come… join us on our journey!


A little bit about us…

Vertex Golf launched in May 2021 off the back of one simple belief, affordable and cutting-edge golf technology should be made more available to the masses.

Our founders spent over 18 years in the golf industry, and more specifically over a decade in the niche of golf technology and game improvement. In this time, they noticed both the increasing demand for golf tech and also an unattainability for average players due to huge price tags.

Most of the golf technology on the market was either too expensive or didn’t provide substance and relevance to the everyday golfer’s game. A number of current products are designed by high-level experts for high-level experts, alienating the majority of golfers, as well as golf coaches!

And so Vertex Golf was born.

Our mantra has always been: delivering what the user needs at a price the user can afford.

That’s why we work so hard to ensure that our products don’t only provide easy-to-understand, meaningful, and helpful data, but also fall within the budget of your average golfer.

We are a small but passionate team of individuals with expertise in, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Product Design, Software & Firmware Development, and more.

At Vertex Golf, we are constantly asking ourselves, how could this be improved? What tool could help people in this area? How can we help the everyday golfer get better?

After 18 challenging months, we are finally where we want to be, rolling out our first products to golfers all over the world.

When starting the company, we could have gone down a number of different routes, the typically tried-and-tested of raising a few million upfront, spending loads of money on ambassadors, and shipping out expensive products to the elite. We could have halved the development time, all of which would result in much higher prices for the end user, but that isn’t what Vertex Golf is about.

We chose what we believed to be the right route, to deliver this high-end technology at an affordable price to the greater mass golfing population.

But the journey will never be complete for Vertex Golf. As individuals, we want to constantly develop, improve, and enhance the experience of our users – now, tomorrow, and far into the future. As a team, we will achieve those goals.

We have recently rolled out our flagship product, the Vertex Golf SmartCore Sensor, which tracks a wide array of data in your putter head to provide easy-to-understand information on how to improve your putting.

However, we have a number of other amazing ideas in the works, which we will keep you updated on as projects develop. We are constantly evolving, constantly improving, and constantly striving to be the best that we can be.

Come… join us on our journey!

But the journey will never be complete for Vertex Golf. As individuals, we want to constantly develop, improve, and enhance the experience of our users – now, tomorrow, and far into the future. As a team, we will achieve those goals.

Robert Slade-Baker, CEO & Co-Founder of Vertex Golf Ltd

Come… be part of the journey

Improving the User Experience

At Vertex we are committed to constant innovation and improvement, to ensure you, the golfer can get the most of your Vertex SmartCore device. No application is without bugs, faults or areas which can be improved, as and when such bugs/errors become known, it’s our job to fix them as quickly as we can!
Whilst we work on those bugs, we also focus a lot of our attention on future improvements, be it new features, better UI/UX, new ways to showcase and understand different aspects of the putting stroke, whatever it is, we are constantly working…

Here are a few of the items we are currently working on…

Project Task Platform User Type*

Portrait to Landscape Responsive Rotation  (In Development)

  • View Speed & Accel Charts in full Landscape View
  • View Session Screens in Full Landscape View
iOS All Users

Student Management  (Completed)

  • Create student profiles to store own data
  • Create linked account setting to manage who you are connected to
  • Data sharing between coach <-> student applications
  • Data download and/or export of data to client/student
iOS New

Adaptable Scoring System (In Development)

  • Provide users with settings options for Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced
  • Provide users with ability to create custom scoring analysis engine
iOS  All Users

Video Playback with Data Overlay (In Development)

  • Record video and data simultaneously with data overlaid on to video, for comprative analysis
iOS  Premium & Elite

Average Data Results – Per Session (Completed)

  • Provide users the ability to see average tendencies across a session of putts.
iOS  All Users

Speed and Acceleration Graphs (In BETA)

  • Provide users with graphical representation of the speed and acceleration within their putting stroke.
iOS  Elite

2D Top-Down Analysis of the Putting Stroke

  • Integration of data points for graphical representation
iOS All Users

*Whilst best efforts are given for the accuracy of details provided above, they are subject to change.

Have an idea, thought or suggested improvement? Please get in touch with your details and message below. We will try to respond as quickly as we can. We cannot guarantee that all ideas or suggestions will be implemented.

Under the Hood: The Nuts and Bolts

The Vertex SmartCore is a highly sophisticated and complex piece of equipment, using some of the most advanced components available in the world. The SmartCore system has been designed to very exacting standards to achieve the best battery life possible, the best Bluetooth range possible, speed of data transfer, so on and so on…

Some parts of the SmartCore system are currently redundant and have been developed for future function and capabilities, once certain technologies mature, upgrades will be made and then available to the public. In the meantime, we are always working on improvements, be it getting an extra 5% battery life, or improved Bluetooth advertising wake-up function, maybe some new or improved measures which golfers will find useful.

Here are a few of the items we are currently working on…

Project Task Platform User Type*
New Measure: Path Direction – Completed iOS Premium, Elite
New Measure: Takeaway Closing Torque – Completed iOS Premium, Elite
New Measure: Rate of Rotation (In Beta) iOS Premium, Elite
New Measure: Static Aim – Completed iOS Premium, Elite
New Measure: Attack Angle (In Beta) iOS Premium, Elite

*Whilst best efforts are given for the accuracy of details provided above, they are subject to change.

Have an idea, thought or suggested improvement? Please get in touch with your details and message below. We will try to respond as quickly as we can. We cannot guarantee that all ideas or suggestions will be implemented.

Knowledge Matters

A key area for Vertex Golf is education and training, to ensure that all users (Golfers, Professionals, Coaches & Fitters) have the knowledge and confidence to use the Vertex Golf SmartCore system to it’s fullest potential and capability.

Whilst initial steps have been made to explain what all the measures mean, what numbers golfers should be aiming for, we understand that there is and always will be room for improvement, education and training will evolve, the variety of options will improve, covering… expert insights, video tutorials, showcase videos and much much more.

Here are a few of the items we are currently working on…

Project Task Platform User Type*

  • Improve description, target and insight knowledge with regards to all measurements
iOS All Users
Traffic (Red, Orange & Green) Light Scoring Method – Completed

  • Explain definition and calculation of method
  • Highlight boundaries and parameters for all measures
iOS All Users

*Whilst best efforts are given for the accuracy of details provided above, they are subject to change.

Have an idea, thought or suggested improvement? Please get in touch with your details and message below. We will try to respond as quickly as we can. We cannot guarantee that all ideas or suggestions will be implemented.

Constantly Evolving, Constantly Improving…

Admittedly there are a few creative people on our team, every now and then we light our minds wonder and ask some simple questions of simple products. How can this be improved? How can the golfer benefit more? How can we drive the costs down, whilst driving the quality up!

Here we have to be intentionally vague, SORRY! At least until we get confirmation that certain patent filings have been made for certain products.

Here are a few of the items we are currently working on…

Project Task Status Release Date
Vertex Golf Putting Accessories

  • Putting Gate – (Completed) – Patent Pending (18105849)
  • Putting Cup – (Completed)
  • Alignment Aids – (Completed)
  • Ball Markers – (Completed)
Completed Released
Wedge Fitting System Prototype  2024

*Whilst best efforts are given for the accuracy of details provided above, they are subject to change.

Have an idea, thought or suggested improvement? Please get in touch with your details and message below. We will try to respond as quickly as we can. We cannot guarantee that all ideas or suggestions will be implemented.