What do we measure?

Face Angles, Time, Speed & Rotation

Modes: Live, Sync & Target

Starting out? Advanced?

Either way you’re covered! Vertex Golf SmartCore comes with a standard set of 10 measures, that are simple to understand, but pack a punch when it comes to improving your game!

Eager to dig deep in to your stroke? Optional upgrades are available.

Getting the most out of your practice sessions!

The Vertex SmartCore has been designed to meet players’ needs… years of player and coach feedback have gone in to making the Vertex SmartCore System the most natural and realistic available.

  • Indoor Carpet, Practice Green, Studio, or out on the Golf Course.

  • Ready to use in seconds, little or no setup required.

  • Weight Neutral, no additional weight to the club.

  • Out of sight, out of mind. Not distracting to your view.

  • 3 to 10 days of battery life, no need to constantly recharge.

Course Mode

With the use of advanced gesture engineering, golfers can use their Vertex Golf SmartCore Insert on the golf course. When your putter is in position ready to putt, it will automatically wake up to record your putt, and then shortly after go back to sleep.

NB: Whilst this is a brand-new concept of inserting motion sensors into a putter head, the rules of golf do not yet allow for our units to be used in a “Competition or Counting” round of golf.

More Details

You are, however, allowed to use it everywhere else, be it playing with your friends, practising on your own or with a coach.

Live Mode

Time to get serious! With live, instant feedback, players can optimise their putting practice sessions. Focus on putts as a whole, or zone in on a specific, singular metric, the choice is yours!

Target Mode

Struggle with Aim / Alignment? Through further enhanced gesture management, target mode allows the golfer to analyse their stroke relative to a known target.

After a few seconds of registering a target, the golfer can understand key metrics such as Aim / Alignment, Path Direction and Face Angle relative to Target, in addition to all the other measures available.

Vertex – Standard

$0/yr – Included

Face Change

Backstroke & Forward Stroke Rotation

Lie Angle at Impact


Backstroke, Forward & Total Stroke Time

Backstroke Length

Club Head Speed

10 Measures

Live Mode and Course Mode.

Trend Performance


Vertex – Premium


or $14.99/month

All Standard Measures +

Face Aim at Impact

Dynamic Aim

Static Aim (Pre- Take Away)

Path Direction

TCT: Takeaway Closing Torque

Shaft Lean at Impact

Loft Angle at Impact

Club Head Acceleration

18 Measures

Live, Course and Target Mode

Trend Performance

Comparative Graph (Release Date TBC)


Vertex – Elite


or $29.99/month

All Premium Measures +

Gear Effect / Twist

Lie Angle Address & Change

Shaft Lean Address & Change

Loft Angle Address & Change

In-Line Rotation – Backstroke & Forward Stroke

Face Change 10cm From Address, Before Impact, After Impact

30 Measures

Live, Course and Target Mode

Coach <-> Student Account Sharing

Trend Performance

Comparative Graph (Release Date TBC)
